If an emergency occurs, do you and your family know exactly what to do? Consider some of the following scenarios:
1. What if you are not at home when a disaster occurs? Maybe you and your spouse are at work and communications are cut off. What do you do?
2. What if your children are at school? Do you know what to do?
3. Does your family know what to do if they can’t get ahold of you?
4. What if you have to evacuate on a moment’s
notice? Do you know where to go and how to get there? Do you have alternative routes planned?
5. What if there’s a house fire? Does your family know what to do? Will they remember under stress?
6. How will you protect your family and your home if society crumbles?
These are just a few of the questions you should answer and
plan for. Planning is the heart of prepping. It doesn’t matter if you have all the supplies you need if you can’t get
to them or if you loose track of your family in a disaster scenario. Rapid response to the situation and keeping your family
safe is the highest priority in any situation. Review the sections below to help you plan for the worst.