During an emergency, it’s entirely possible that your electronic devices may not work or have service. In fact, for most of
us, losing our cell phone qualifies as an emergency in its own right. All of our contacts are stored in our electronic devices
and most of us would be hard pressed to remember even one important number if we were to lose our phone. This is only one of
the many reasons that we should carry emergency information on our person at all times.
Other scenarios to consider are:
1. If you are injured and emergency response personnel need vital information. They routinely check victim’s wallets for this type
of information if the victim is incapacitated.
2. If a disaster occurs, you will have the contact information
and instructions of exactly what to do. Each member of your family will have the same instructions about what to do, where to
meet, who to contact, etc. so you will all be coordinated in your efforts.
3. Losing track of your family during
a crisis is just about the worst thing that can happen. The mere thought of it brings on anxiety. Making sure that each
member of your family has vital information and knows what to do with is will greatly reduce the likelihood of extended separation.
cards are a miniature version of your Emergency Action Plan with some additional emergency contact information if you are injured. You can download and print your emergency cards from this page. The MS Word file is editable to make it easy for you. Simply fill in the boxes, print the cards, cut and fold, and distribute them to your family along with some discussion about what
they should do in an emergency.