Aside from various types of medicines, you should keep other medical supplies at home. It would be wise to take some advanced
first aid and CPR courses as well as any other emergency medical courses that you can manage. Having all of the supplies may
not be enough when faced with a life threatening situation.
o Cotton Balls
o Antibacterial Soap
o Dental Repair Kit
o Thermometer
o Tweezers
o Magnifying Glass
o Blunt Scissors
o Instant Cold Compress
o Anti-itch Cream
o Adhesive Bandages (Band-Aids)
o Adhesive Tape (One Roll)
o Sterile
Gauze Pads (10)
o Self Adherent Cohesive Bandages
o Tourniquets
o Roller Bandages (2)
o High Absorbent Compress Dressings (2)
o Trauma Dressings (3) (Clotting Dressings)
o Triangular Bandage
o Sutures and Suture Kit
o Steri-Strips
o Field Surgery Kit
o Scalpels
o Surgical Gloves
o Defibrillator