Your personal first aid kit will be part of your bug out/get home bag. As such, it must be compact but still give you the necessary
items to deal with a variety of injuries from a simple small cut to a traumatic injury lie a gunshot wound. It should all fit within
a pouch and attached to or placed in your bug out bag where it can be rapidly deployed.
Your personal first aid kit should contain the following items as a minimum:
o Band Aids (various sizes)
o Ibuprofen Tablets
o Antacid
o Acetaminophen
o Nasal Decongestant Tablets
o Potassium Iodide Tablets
o Antiseptic Packets
o Alcohol Cleansing Pads
o Hand Sanitizer Packets
o Non-Latex Sterile Gloves
o Triangular
o Tourniquet
o Rolled Gauze Bandage
o 4” x 4” Gauze Pads
o Self Adherent Cohesive Bandages
o Hemostatic Dressing (Quick Clot, Celox, Everstop, Etc.)
o Chest
Seal Dressing
o Steri-Strips
o Surgical Scissors (blunt scissors)
o Tweezers
o Mylar Emergency Blanket
o Lighter
Depending on space available, you should add any other items that you think necessary.