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Evacuation Supplies
Bug Out Bag
Water Needs
Food Storage
First Aid and Medical
Heating Essentials
Cooking Equipment
Lighting Needs
Alternative Power
Fuel Storage
Emergency Auto Supplies
Plastic Sheeting & Duct Tape
Window Coverings
Weapons and Security
Other Supplies


In harsh conditions, such as a rain or snowstorm, having adequate shelter is the most important factor in any survival situation. Exposure to the elements is the leading cause of death in survival scenarios.  Without adequate shelter and clothing, the effects of hypothermia can set in quickly and a person could die within a few hours.  However, the effects of hypothermia can set in far more quickly and incapacitate you to the point that you cannot function adequately to perform the necessary steps to save yourself. Therefore, it is important to have the materials and ability to quickly construct a shelter that can protect you from the elements.


Let’s examine the types of shelters and under which conditions they apply:

Your Home:


Unless you are forced to evacuate, your home will be your primary shelter, but will it be adequate to protect you if there is an extended power outage?  Obviously, our first choice will be to stay put if possible.  Afterall, this is where all of our possessions and disaster supplies are located.  Depending on where you live, you may have to make some fundamental changes to your home in order to prepare it to provide the necessary protections from the elements during different disaster and/or emergency scenarios.


·         Power – How long can you realistically stay in your home without power.  Some of us have wells that require electricity to pump the water.  Our homes may also require electricity to cook our food or provide heat. Added to this is the very real change in lifestyle that accompanies an extended power outage. Having a generator is probably the easiest way to solve the power problem as long as the fuel holds out.  Some research into alternative power sources could be warranted.


·         Heat – If you live in a cold climate, heating your home during a disaster could be the most challenging aspect of preparing.  Retrofitting your home with a powerless heat source can get expensive and portable heat sources can be dangerous. These issues are addressed in the “Heating Essentials” section of this website.


·         Security – During a disaster, your safety and security are very real concerns.  History has shown us that, even in a short power outage or disaster, people will become aggressive and take what they need without regard for your needs or safety.  It’s wise to prepare a security plan (how will I protect my home and family?) before you are in a bad situation.  Relying on reaction to a threat is not the best strategy.  Prepare in advance!


·        Repairs – Your home could be damaged during a disaster, so it is wise to have some repair materials and tools at your disposal. Some limited lumber, plywood, tarps, nails and assorted hardware could come in very handy when you need to make emergency repairs. Keeping some spray foam insulation will help you seal up cracks, doors and windows to help keep the heat in.


Evacuation Shelter:


If you are forced to evacuate, there’s no guarantee that you will be able to find a hotel room or even an evacuation center that can provide adequate shelter.  You may need to provide your own shelter to get you through the disaster.  Given the opportunity, taking a tent as part of your evacuation supplies is preferable.  In addition to a tent, it is also a good idea to have at least one large tart and some cordage to construct additional shelter or to fortify your tent against harsher conditions.


Bug Out Shelter:


A bug out shelter is a one-person shelter that each person should have in their bug out bag.  Remember, if you are bugging out, you are probably on foot and will be carrying your supplies on you back so this shelter will have to be lightweight and portable. Do not think that you will be able to simply sleep under the stars or make a shelter from scratch.  The weather may get severe and building a shelter from scratch takes a lot of time, even if the materials are readily available (which they may not be). Some good bug out shelter materials are:


·         One-person Backpacking Tent

·        10 x 12 Tarp

·         Bivy Bag

·         Military Poncho

·        Large Heavy-duty Contractor Trash Bags

·         550 Cord

·        Mylar Emergency Blankets


Visit Tips and Training for more information on building shelters.

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