If you live in a hurricane area or are interested in having an added layer of security during a disaster, you can make plywood window
coverings that are ready to install at a moments notice. It’s recommended that you use a minimum ½” thick plywood. You
can use CDX which is a lot cheaper than ACX (no knots). If you are planning to store your window coverings outside, you should
get exterior plywood, so it won’t rot during storage. You will also need screws to attach the plywood to your home or you can
use the 2x4 and bolt option shown below.
It’s important that you have each window covering cut to size and labeled before a disaster strikes. This will save time and
will also help prevent you from mistakenly using your plywood for other projects. Here’s some tips:
· Measure each window and door and precut your plywood approx. 10” larger than the opening (5” on each side).
· If you have large windows or doors, you can splice plywood pieces together with 2x4s and screws.
· Store your precut plywood pieces in a secure but accessible area so you can easily get to them when needed.
Here’s a good video
from Lowe’s on how to attach your plywood coverings.