Are you at risk?
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Traditionally, we think of the west coast of the United States as being the only area at risk for a major earthquake. However, the
possibility for earthquakes exists everywhere in the country with 45 U.S. States and territories at moderate to high risk of major
In most cases, earthquakes offer no warning. The only real way to increase your chances of surviving a major earthquake
is to plan and prepare well in advance.
Most deaths and injuries during earthquakes occur from falling debris and general lack of knowledge. Prepare your home and familybefore an earthquake occurs.
- Be sure that you and your family know the safest building evacuation route(s).
- Store your disaster preparedness
supplies in a “safe area” so they can be recovered if your home is damaged.
Identify “safe” areas in your home and make sure that
your family knows to go there during an earthquake.
- Contrary to popular belief, it is not safe to stand in doorways during an earthquake.
Research shows that these areas often collapse and crush the victim.
- It is safer in areas next to sturdy furniture, not under them.
When buildings collapse, the weight of the ceiling falling crushes these objects, leaving a space or void next to them - NOT under
- Next to a vehicle in a garage, not under it or inside of it.
- Stay away from windows or tall heavy objects that could fall on
If you are indoors during an earthquake:
You should stay there. Research shows that most deaths and injuries occur when
people try to move too far during an earthquake.
Move to the nearest “safe” area.
Curl up into the fetus position and cover your face
and head with your arms.
If you are in bed, roll out of the bed to the safe area on the floor next to the bed. Protect your
head with your pillow.
Stay inside until shaking stops and it is safe to go outside.
Be aware that the electricity may go out or the
fire sprinkler system or fire alarms may turn on.
DO NOT use elevators.
If you are outdoors during an earthquake:
Move to an open area, away from buildings, power lines, streetlights or any other objects that might fall.
Stay in the open
until the shaking stops. The most dangerous place during earthquakes is near structures where falling debris is responsible
the greatest number of injuries and deaths.
If you are in a moving vehicle during an earthquake:
Stop as quickly and safely
as possible. Do not stop near or under buildings, trees, overpasses or utility wires.
Stay inside the vehicle
until the shaking has stopped.
Once the earthquake has subsided, proceed very carefully. Roads, bridges and ramps may
have been damaged.
After an earthquake:
Expect aftershocks. These may be powerful and could cause additional damage.
Proceed cautiously.
Evacuate the building calmly. Move away from structures and objects that could fall.
If your building has
been damaged and it is safe to do so, turn off gas, electricity and water.
Check for fire.
Avoid reentering damaged buildings.
to your battery-operated radio or television for information. If you live near the ocean, listen for tsunami warnings.
If needed, refer to your tsunami checklist.
Check on your neighbors to see if they need assistance
Inspect your utility connections
for damage. Check for gas leaks, electrical damage and water and sewer line damage.
If it is safe to enter your home, conduct
a walk-through safety check.
Use the telephone for emergencies only.
If it is safe, recover your disaster preparedness supplies.
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