Floods can occur in every state of the country. Flooding is the most common of all of the natural disasters and floods can affect
you, even if your home is on high ground and not in a floodplain. You and your family could, easily, be cut off from vital services
or separated from each other by flood waters.
Floods come in many different forms. Some develop rapidly, while others
can take hours or even days to develop. Flash floods can develop in minutes, even if there is no sign of rain. They can
produce a wall of debris and water that is devastating to everything in its path.
If you live in a flood plane or any area that could be cut off during a flood, there are some things
you should do to prepare:
1. Prepare an evacuation route. Although you may plan to
drive the route, keep in mind that others in your area will also be rushing to escape and your rout may be blocked by heavy traffic
or disabled vehicles. You may have to walk to higher ground. If you are unable to move to higher ground; high, multi-story,
reinforced concrete buildings may provide a safe refuge on the third floor and above.
2. Expect and prepare for the following, even if your home is not threatened:
o Isolation: It is possible that floodwaters will prevent you from leaving your area or from others reaching you.
o Power
Outage: Electric power can be interrupted because of floodwaters that are nowhere near your home.
o An interruption in your water supply: Floodwaters routinely contaminate or interfere with local water supplies. If you
have a water well, it will probably be contaminated. Do not use well water until it has been tested.
o Your sewer system may back up: Drainage and sewer city sewer systems may become over-taxed and stop working. If
you have a septic system, it will likely stop working. Flooded septic systems will also contaminate the flood waters and increase
the risk of disease.
o Be sure that you have a ladder that can reach your roof.
3. In the event of a potential flood, immediately place your evacuation supplies in your vehicle so that they are ready in case you are
forced to leave in a hurry.
4. If your home is threatened, move all essential items
to an upper floor or otherwise safe place.
5. If flood waters are approaching or you are
forced to evacuate, turn off your utilities and disconnect your electric appliances. Never touch electrical fixtures if you
are wet or standing in water.
6. If you have children in school, be sure that the school
has an evacuation plan. Make sure that your children cooperate with school officials and that you know the location of the evacuation
7. Make sure that all members of your group know the evacuation route and a meeting
place if you should become separated.
8. Turn on your radio to get up to date information.
9. If a flood does hit your area:
o Stay away until all the water
has receded, or the local authorities have allowed entry into the area.
o Do not enter damaged buildings and
stay clear of debris piles. This is very dangerous, and the local authorities will have many emergencies to deal with; unnecessarily
adding to their duties would not be responsible.
o Do not drink from the local water supply until it
is determined that it is not contaminated.
o Cooperate with the local emergency services authorities.
o Listen to your
radio for emergency shelter sites.
o If you are trapped and the floodwaters are rising, go to your roof.
Take your evacuation supplies and wait for help. Don’t try to walk or swim through floodwaters.
10. Do not attempt to walk through flowing water. Six inches of moving water can sweep you off your feet. If you must walk
through water, walk only where the water is not moving and probe the area with a stick or pole to ensure its depth and firmness.
11. Do not drive through flooded areas. Six inches of water may stall your vehicle and one foot of water will float many vehicles.
Two feet of rushing water can carry away most vehicles including SUV’s and pick-ups.
12. Be aware of areas where floodwaters have receded. Roads may have weakened and could collapse under the weight of a car.
13. Be aware of downed power lines. They could be active. report downed power lines immediately.
14. Repair damaged sewer systems as soon as possible. They are a serious health hazard.
15. Disinfect everything that got wet. Floodwaters can contain sewage and harmful chemicals.