Tornadoes are extremely violent and deadly. Wind speeds can be in excess of 200 mph. They strike with very little or no warning.
They are very unpredictable and entire neighborhoods have been completely devastated in a matter of seconds while one block
over remains untouched. There will not be time to evacuate.
Preparing for a tornado:
· Stock your safe room or your designated safe area with supplies such
as food, drinking water, a portable radio, blankets, and a portable toilet. If your home is severely damaged, you may be trapped
until help arrives.
If there is a Tornado Warning:
· Immediately go to a safe room, basement or storm cellar.
· If you are not at home or
outside, try to get to a sturdy building for shelter.
· If you have no basement, safe
room, or storm cellar, go to a small interior room on the lowest level.
· Do not take
shelter under an overpass. It is safer to lay flat in low flat location or depression.
During a tornado:
· Stay away from glass and exterior walls.
· Protect your head and neck with your arms,
pillows and blankets if they are available.
· Listen to your battery-operated radio
for updates and instructions.
· Do not try to outrun a tornado in a vehicle.
· If you are in a vehicle and cannot get to a safe location, protect your head and neck with your arms and any other available materials.
a tornado:
· Keep listening to you radio for updates.
· If you are trapped cover your mouth with a cloth or use an N95 particle mask to protect you from inhaling dust and debris.
· Do not go near downed powerlines. They may still be active.
· No not enter damaged
buildings until you are told that it is safe.
· Limit phone call to emergencies only. The phone system will be busy. Texting after a disaster is far more reliable.