Tsunamis are generated by underwater disturbances like an earthquake underwater landslide, volcanic eruption or an asteroid strike. Depending on the size of the disturbance, they can travel for vast distances. The waves can travel unnoticed in deep water
at as much as 500 mph. The waves slow to 20 to 30 mph and grow in height (10 – 100 feet high) when they reach the shoreline. Often there is little warning. A tsunami is not a single wave. It is a series of waves that can occur over several hours
and the first wave may not be the largest. The waves can travel as far as 10 miles inland, depending on the shape and slope
of the shoreline.
In the U.S., the Hawaiian Islands and the Pacific Northwest have the highest risk of tsunamis, but they
can occur on the east coast as well.
There are specific actions and preparations that should be taken before, during and after
a tsunami:
- Prepare an evacuation route. Although you may plan to drive the route, keep in mind that others in your area
will also be rushing to escape and your rout may be blocked by heavy traffic or disabled vehicles. You may have to walk to higher
ground. If you are unable to move to higher ground; high, multi-story, reinforced concrete buildings may provide a safe refuge
on the third floor and above. Always make sure that your emergency automotive supplies are in your vehicle.
- If you hear a tsunami
“advisory” or “watch,” turn on your radio and listen for warnings and evacuation orders.
- Place your evacuation supplies “bugout bag”
in your vehicle in case you need to evacuate. Make sure that your emergency automotive supplies are in your vehicle as well.
- During
a tsunami advisory or watch, you may have time to retrieve your children from school. Consider doing this.
- Call other family
members to make sure they are aware of the advisory or watch. Have them listen to their radio and make plans for them to meet
if you evacuate.
- Review your evacuation route. If you have been told or feel you need to evacuate, DO IT NOW!
- If you hear a
tsunami “warning,” evacuate immediately. Also, if you feel an earthquake, see the ocean recede or hear a roar from the ocean;
these are all indicators of a possible tsunami and you should evacuate to higher ground immediately. Don’t wait for the tsunami
- If you evacuate, lock your doors as you leave. Don’t forget your cell phone(s). Turn on your radio to get up-to-date
information. A tsunami threat may last several hours. Don’t go back to the threatened area until the appropriate authorities
have declared it safe.
- Do not try to save your possessions. Take only your emergency evacuation kit. There will not be
time to grab mementos and taking unnecessary time could be a fatal error.
- If you have children are in school, be sure that the school
has an evacuation plan. Make sure that your children cooperate with school officials and that you know the location of the evacuation
site. You do not want to lose track of your family during a crisis.
- Make sure that all members know the evacuation route
and a meeting place if you should become separated.
- If a tsunami does hit your area:
- If you can’t get to higher ground, go to an upper
floor of a concrete reinforced building.
- Stay away until all the water has receded.
- Do not enter damaged buildings and stay clear
of debris piles. This is very dangerous, and the local authorities will have many emergencies to deal with; unnecessarily adding
to their duties would not be responsible.
- Do not drink from the local water supply until it is determined that it is not
contaminated. Tsunamis routinely contaminate the local water supply.
- Cooperate with the local emergency services authorities.
- Listen to your radio for emergency shelter sites.
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