Every year since 2000, an average of 72,400 wildfires burned an average of 7 million acres (each year). If you live in
an area that is abundant with plant life that can easily catch fire, you may be vulnerable to a wildfire. More than four out
of five wildfires are caused by people. Some are from arson and others are from campfires, fireplaces, burning debris and even
barbecues. Most wildfires are preventable with a little common sense.
Fire Prevention and Preparedness:
- Prepare a building
escape route and practice fire and evacuation drills at least twice a year.
- Use fire safety guidelines to prevent wildfires:
- Avoid
open burning completely, if possible. Don’t burn during the dry season.
- If you do build a fire, build it away from nearby trees,
bushes and structures. Always clear flammable debris away from the fire area.
- Do not over feed your fire. Keep it small
and manageable.
- Be aware that, in many wooded areas, fire can travel underground for great distances and can smolder there for many
days before reigniting.
- Always have a way to extinguish your fire quickly and completely. If you use water to extinguish
your fire, completely saturate the fire until it is cool and no longer smoking. Never pour water on a fire that is fueled by
petroleum products or electricity.
- Never leave a fire or even a cigarette, burning unattended.
- Install spark arresters on all chimney
tops to prevent fireplaces and woodstove from igniting your home or the surrounding area.
- Do not barbecue on combustible surfaces,
under covered patios or close to structures or tents.
- Teach children about fire safety.
- If you are building a home, consider
using fire-resistant materials.
- Protect your home and family from wildfire:
- Design your landscaping to incorporate fire resistant
species of trees and shrubs. Hardwoods are more resistant to fire that pine, cedar and spruce.
- Regularly clean roof and gutters
of debris.
- Inspect chimneys at least twice a year. Clean them at least once a year. Keep the dampers in good working order.
- Use
1/8-inch mesh screen beneath porches, decks, floor areas, and the home itself. Also, screen openings to floors, roof, and attic.
This will help prevent burning debris from entering gaps in your home.
- Install smoke alarms in every bedroom and on every floor.
- Strategically locate “A-B-C” type fire extinguishers in your home, garage and outbuildings. Make sure that all member of your
family knows how to use them.
- Consider your water needs in advance. Locate exterior hose bibs and have a hose long enough to
reach all rooms of your home and all other structures on your property. Also, keep sprinklers on hand that can be used to keep
your surrounding area and your roof wet in case of an approaching wildfire.
- Keep firefighting tools handy (rake, shovel, chainsaw
or handsaw, ax, bucket).
- Have a ladder that can reach your roof.
- Consider installing protective shudders or heavy fire-resistant drapes.
- Post
emergency numbers by your phone. These numbers should include friends and family that you would want to notify in case of an
- Be sure that your planned evacuation route allows for several different options, including escape on foot.
5. Create a 30 to 100-foot safety zone around your home. Within this area, you can take steps to reduce potential
exposure to flames and radiant heat. Homes built in pine forests should have a minimum safety zone of 100 feet.
- Clear all debris
such as leaves, dead limbs, twigs, flammable vegetation and rubbish from the area and under structures.
- Remove dead branches that
extend over the roof and remove limbs that are within 15 feet from the ground.
- Remove branches and shrubs that are within 15 feet
of stovepipes or chimney outlets.
- Ask the power company to clear branches from power lines.
- Remove vines from the walls of your home.
- Mow
grass regularly and control weeds.
- Clear a 10-foot area around propane tanks, fuel tanks and barbecues.
- Regularly dispose of newspapers
and rubbish at an approved site.
- Place stove, fireplace and grill ashes in a metal bucket and soak in water for 2 days before disposal.
- Store
fuels in approved containers and keep them in a safe place, away from the bases of buildings.
- Stack firewood supplies at least 100
feet from buildings.
- Make sure that large fire vehicles can access your property.
If you are threatened by an approaching wildfire:
If you see a wildfire, call 911. Do not assume that someone else has
already called. Do not hesitate to prepare to evacuate. Do not consider staying and fighting the fire yourself, especially
if you have been ordered to evacuate.
- Turn on your radio and listen for information and evacuation orders.
- Immediately place
your emergency evacuation supplies in your vehicle in case you have to leave in a hurry.
- Place several wet towels in your vehicle. At least one per person.
- Point your vehicle(s) in the right direction, roll up the windows and close the vents.
- Review your
evacuation route to make sure that it does not bring you closer to the fire. Make sure that everyone knows the rout and the
meeting place if you should be separated.
- Call the school(s) to determine if you should pick up your children. Find out where
they will be evacuated to, even if you plan to pick them up.
- Call other family members to determine whether they are safe. Make
sure they know the meeting place if you are forced to evacuate.
- Have everybody change into fire-retardant clothing. Long sleeves,
hats and gloves.
- Gather fire fighting tools and put them your vehicle before you evacuate. If you become trapped, they may save
your life.
- If you have Time:
- Set up sprinklers on the roof and surrounding areas to keep them wet. Leave them running.
- Place
documents and other important items in your vehicle. Don’t forget your insurance documents.
- Turn off all gas, propane and heating
oil valves. Leave the main water valve on.
- Close any window shutters that you have.
- Close all windows, interior and exterior
doors and vents.
- Turn a light on in every room so firefighters can see if smoke is present.
- Remove flammable curtains and close any
fire-retardant curtains.
- Place outside combustible furniture inside.
- If told to evacuate, do so immediately. However, if
you feel that the fire is threatening, don’t wait to be told to leave.
- Drive slowly and carefully. Don’t take chances.
- Stay
away from the area until you have been notified that it is safe to return.
- If you have a gate to your property, leave it open for
emergency vehicles.
If you are caught in a wildfire, you are generally safer inside your vehicle unless you can see a clear and
safer route that you can take on foot.
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