A radiological dispersion device or “Dirty Bomb” is a conventional explosive device that is designed to spread radioactive material.
It is much less powerful that a nuclear device and its effects are much more localized. An RDD is much simpler to build than
a nuclear bomb and the materials are much easier to obtain. It is far more likely that a terrorist would use a dirty bomb than
a nuclear bomb.
Dirty bombs are designed to cause more fear and economic disruption than destruction. The threat to human
life is about the same as a conventional bomb, but the spread of radioactivity causes people to react differently. Those not
affected by the blast feel threatened and are often forced to take protective measures. Furthermore, the radioactivity will
cause the area of the blast as well as neighboring areas to be closed down for extended periods of time to affect clean-up operations.
Areas could be closed for weeks or months. It is for these reasons that terrorists are likely to select targets such as ports,
economic centers and other infrastructure hubs. The lasting effects of a dirty bomb can be far reaching and crippling.
is no way of knowing how much warning time there will be before an attack by terrorists using a Radiological Dispersion Device (RDD),
so being prepared in advance and knowing what to do and when is important. To prepare for an RDD attack you should take some specific
1. Find out the locations of any designated fallout shelters in
your area. If there are none, make a list of potential shelters near your home, workplace and school. These places would
include basements or the windowless center area of middle floors in high-rise buildings, as well as subways and tunnels. You
may need to have emergency supplies on hand that you can grab in a hurry so that you are somewhat equipped to stay in the sheltered
area for an adequate amount of time.
2. Review and complete your RDD Event checklist.
3. Prepare an evacuation route.
4. Have emergency evacuation supplies ready. Keep your
emergency automotive supplies in your vehicle and always keep your vehicle fuel tank at least half full.
5. Be prepared to shelter-in-place.
6. The best way to prepare for the after affects of an RDD
attack is to have exercised general preparedness.
7. Make sure that you have a supply of
potassium iodide (KI) and that you are familiar with its use.
8. Become very familiar
with your local weather patterns. In the event of an RDD event, this knowledge could save your life, especially if your radio
is not working or officials are slow with information. After a blast, radioactive fallout will be carried by prevailing winds
and will be distributed along its path.
If an explosion takes place:
While the explosive blast will be immediately obvious, the presence of radiation will not be known
until trained personnel with specialized equipment are on the scene. Whether you are indoors or outdoors, home or at work, be extra
cautious. It would be safer to assume radiological contamination has occurred—particularly in an urban setting or near other likely
terrorist targets—and take the proper precautions. As with any radiation, you want to avoid or limit exposure. This is particularly
true of inhaling radioactive dust that results from the explosion. As you seek shelter from any location (indoors or outdoors) and
there is visual dust or other contaminants in the air, breathe though the cloth of your shirt or coat to limit your exposure. If you
manage to avoid breathing radioactive dust, your proximity to the radioactive particles may still result in some radiation exposure.
If the explosion or radiological release occurs inside, get out immediately and seek safe shelter. Otherwise:
· If you are outside, seek shelter indoors immediately in the nearest undamaged building. If appropriate shelter is not available,
move as rapidly as is safe upwind and away from the location of the explosive blast. Then, seek appropriate shelter as soon as possible.
· If you are already inside, check to see if your building has been damaged. If your building is stable; stay where you are. Close windows
and doors; turn off air conditioners, heaters or other ventilation systems.
· Refer
to your RDD event checklist for specific actions and protective measures.
· If you
think you have been exposed to radiation, take off your clothes and wash as soon as possible.
· Stay where you are, watch TV, listen to the radio, or check the Internet for official news as it becomes available.
· Remember: To limit the amount of radiation you are exposed to, think about time, distance and shielding.
1. Time: Minimizing time spent exposed will also reduce your risk.
2. Distance: The farther away you
are from the blast and the fallout; the lower your exposure.
3. Shielding: If you have a thick
shield between yourself and the radioactive materials more of the radiation will be absorbed, and you will be exposed to less.
· If you evacuate, take your emergency evacuation supplies and your emergency plan. Stay away from the area until you are told that it is safe to return by local officials.
Depending on where you were in relation to the explosion, the size of the explosion
and the quality of the radioactive material used, times for dissipation of the contamination from an RDD attack will vary. Don’t
get impatient and wait it out if you can. If you must go outside, wear your particle mask and leave the area quickly.
Decontaminate and seek medical attention if you have been exposed to radiation.